We are Back!!!!

As we settle into some summertime feelings outside, we thought this might be a good time to do a bit of catching up on the trail. Most importantly, the trail is back open after an extended closure to allow Eversource to upgrade the power lines. TTT is in beautiful condition with Spring growth just starting to peek out. Below are a few photos from this week on the trail.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY! TTT has partnered with Ragnar New England. We are once again hosting Exchange 1 at Poquonock Plains Park in Groton, Friday May 19th. If you would like to help, please send us a message on this page or contact Peggy Edwards at slickg44@yahoo.com for further information. We need volunteers signed up by April 21st. This is a win win, as Volunteering helps the runners and Ragnar will provide a substantial donation to our trail. Just think you could wind up receiving a sweet hat like this one for your help.

With the powerline construction completed we needed to put in a few temporary trail markers to ease any confusion that might be caused by the wide open spaces left by the construction. The photos below are what you can look for as you transition to the upper Joe Clark farm section. The first photo is at mile marker 1.1 the second is for the turn into the woods from the powerline.

Probably the most frequently asked question we get asked is, what’s next? Well the answer is always looking for the next way forward, to the end goal of joining our Northern and Southern Terminuses. That said the next big push is to utilize the recently approved DEEP Grant to get the trail from the Joe Clark farm to RT 214.

Tri Town Trail is always looking for ways to improve what we have available to the public. Your feedback can be vital to ensuring the trail stays at the highest standards, if you see anything that needs to be addressed please contact us using the TTT webpage Contact Tab button (Send a photo With a trail maintenance request) so it can be addressed promptly. Upcoming improvements include two new parking lots one at the northern terminus across from Preston park and the second at the Red barn on RT 117.

Today TTT had the pleasure of hosting The Day newspaper who will be running a story on the trail in the Tuesday April 18th newspaper. Please have a read and let us know what you think.


Summer is coming to an end, but Fall fun is on the way.
