Groton Library Tri Town Trail Hike
Groton Library: Saturday September 23rd 9:30am
Groton Public Library will be sponsoring a hike and Bea Reynolds will be leading that hike.
Come out and get familiar with the trail in a beginner friendly environment.
Hike will begin at the northern trail head across from Preston community park.

Official Grand Opening of the Tri Town Trail
Event Details and RSVP here: https://www.tritowntrail.com/events/grand-opening-tri-town-trail
On October third from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM we will be hosting our official Grand Opening open to the public. This event will be family friendly and will be attended by town leaders from Preston, Ledyard, and Groton. A special guest Amby Burfoot is leading a fun run on the trail and there will be a kids fun run at Preston Park. There will also be a ribbon cutting ceremony and live music. Please RSVP above or on our Facebook event page as it will help us ensure we are prepared.