Summer is coming to an end, but Fall fun is on the way.
Free family FUN!!!
Tri Town Trail Fall Trail event. October first.
Location: Preston Community Park with events on the Trail.
The day will kick off at 9 am with both a guided hike hosted by the TTT board in conjunction with the Last Green Valley and a cross country fun run on the trail hosted by Steven Ives of Ledyard XC.
Kids fun run at Preston Park starting at 11:30AM
**UPDATE time change**
2PM a second guided hike with a focus on the history of the trail and the site ruins of the old Spicer homestead.
The following will be available all day: Information booths for TTT and partner trails, Bounce house, fun and games for the kids. Trail swag for sale.
Music by Majestic Fuzz is booked from 1-3pm
Supreme Hot dogs and George's Grill food trucks will be there from 11am to 4pm
Kona Ice truck will be available from 11am to 1 pm.
Current trail conditions

This fall all three town libraries will sponsor hikes on the TTT. Watch the events tab for updates as they become available.
Groton Library: Saturday, September 23rd at 9:30am
· Groton will be sponsoring a hike and Bea will be leading that hike.
Preston Library Sunday, October 1st @ 9am
· They will sponsor a hike for the October 1st TTT Trail day.
Ledyard Library October 14th or the 24th. A separate notice will be published once the date is confirmed.
· The plan is to have a photographer at the trailhead to help with a brief 20-minute intro into photography pointer for the autumn season.
Parking lot update. Barring unforeseen events, Eversource will be upgrading the northern parking lot this week. The outlines of what is coming have already been laid out. This should greatly improve parking conditions.
Trail company, fury and flying friends abound.

We are always looking for anyone who wants to be involved with the trail. Please contact us using the contact tab or via Facebook and let us know what you would feel comfortable helping with.
Thank you for taking the time to review our update