Hello again, so much has happened since our last update. First our grand opening event went so much better than we could have ever hoped. The Event kicked off with our special guest Amby Burfoot leading out a group of runners and hikers on, what we hope, will become many Tri Town Fun Runs. Shortly after, was the high-speed event known as the kids run at Preston Park. Throughout the afternoon the local communities were able to relax, have some wonderful food and meet with us, our Mayors and First Select Woman. We cannot thank all of you who came out enough, it was amazing to feel just how much the community supports all the hard work.

It is utterly amazing how fast the seasons changed just days after the opening. Fall colors on the trail are so stunning this time of year.

For the last major volunteer event of the year, we welcomed a group of over 40 Groton Chief Petty Officers and Newly Selected Chiefs. These Sailors came out determined to give back to the local community and they came through with four massive projects, all in one day. Two new extensions to bog bridges built in place. Distance markers where installed every tenth of a mile on the primary trail. The overgrowth from the colonial bridge was pushed back over three feet. Another crew worked on correcting damage to the trail caused by vehicles.